8 Base Ransomware Victim: Law Society of South Africa

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Victim NameLaw Society of South Africa
Downloaded Date14.06.2023
Publish Date21.06.2023
Victim DescriptionLaw Society of South Africa
Attorneys and advocates in South Africa are registered with the Legal Practice Council in terms of the Legal Practice Act 28 of 2014. Since 1998 the Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) has represented the attorneys’ profession.
The LSSA brings together the Black Lawyers Association, the National Association of Democratic Lawyers and provincial attorneys’ associations,  in representing the attorneys’ profession in South Africa.
There are currently some 27 200 practising attorneys and 7 000 candidate attorneys in South Africa. Attorneys are officers of the court and are registered on the roll of attorneys at the Legal Practice Council.
Threat Actor CommentsWe have info from SQL DATABASE
#1bd: CRM
CRM_Person -> first name, last name, middle name, gender, id_number, university / school, mail, address = 250.000 lines
CRM_Email -> mail list = 86.000 lines

#2bd: Integration_Net
ShipToLocation -> first name, last name, address, phone, fax, mail, purchase date = about 500.000 lines
NationalAccountName -> company name, mail, phone, fax, website, contact person (name), contact mail, contact phone, address = about 200.000 lines

#3 bd: people
payslipTotal -> big pay slip with dates = about 500.000 lines
employeeTaxTotal -> large payroll table = about 100,000 lines
GenEntity -> Name, company name, TaxNo, date of birth, IDNumber, PassportNo, phone, mail (information about employees) = 1300 lines
BankDetail -> AccountNo, AccountName, BankID = 1400 lines
TAXMonthlyTotal -> monthly reporting

#4 bd: srpos
srpos_customers -> full name, address, contact person, phone, fax, mail, credit limit, TaxRegNo, website (customer information) = 90.000 lines
srpos_CustomersShipTo -> name, address, phone, fax (delivery info) = 80.000 lines
srpos_vendors -> name, address, contact person, phone, fax, mail, TaxRegNo = 80.000 lines

And a lot of files.
Number of Dark Web Views (at time of scraping)views: 1674

Countdown Timer until Data dumped by the Threat Actors

Countdown Timer

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