Social-Analyzer – API And Web App For Analyzing And Finding A Person Profile Across +300 Social Media Websites (Detections Are Updated Regularly)

An API for analyzing & finding a person profile across +300 social media websites. It includes different string analysis and detection modules, you can choose which combination of modules to use during the investigation. The detection modules utilize a rating mechanism based on different detection techniques, which produces a rate value that starts from 0 to 100 (No-Maybe-Yes)
If you have a detection, please submit it in a pull request!
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| Secuirty Testing | | Social-Analyzer |
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| Passive Information Gathering | <--> | Find Social Media Profiles |
| | | |
| Active Information Gathering | <--> | Post Analysis Activities |
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Find Profile (Fast – FindUserProflesNormal)

Find Profile (Slow – FindUserProflesAdvanced)

- String Analysis
- Search Engine Lookup
- Multi Layers detections
- Most Common Names & Words
- Convert Numbers to Letters
- Find Profles Normal (Fast)
- Find Profles Advacned (Slow)
- Find Profles Special (Slow)
- Profile Screenshot
- And more!
Install and run (Nodejs + NPM + Firefox)
add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/ppa
apt-get update
apt-get install -y firefox-esr tesseract-ocr
git clone
cd social-analyzer
npm install
npm start
Install and run (docker)
git clone
cd social-analyzer
sudo docker build -t social-analyzer . && sudo docker run -p 9005:9005 -it social-analyzer
- api.duckduckgo, google api, nodejs, bootstrap, selectize, jquery and font-awesome
- This tool meant to be used localy (It does not have any type of Access Control)
- If you want your website to be excluded from this project, please reach out to me!
If you like the site, please consider joining the telegram channel or supporting us on Patreon using the button below.