CVE Alert: CVE-2024-46999

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Vulnerability Summary: CVE-2024-46999

Zitadel is an open source identity management platform. ZITADEL’s user grants deactivation mechanism did not work correctly. Deactivated user grants were still provided in token, which could lead to unauthorized access to applications and resources. Additionally, the management and auth API always returned the state as active or did not provide any information about the state. Versions 2.62.1, 2.61.1, 2.60.2, 2.59.3, 2.58.5, 2.57.5, 2.56.6, 2.55.8, and 2.54.10 have been released which address this issue. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade may explicitly remove the user grants to make sure the user does not get access anymore.

Affected Endpoints:

No affected endpoints listed.

Published Date:

9/20/2024, 12:15:03 AM

🔥 CVSS Score:

CVSS v3 Score: 7.3 (High)

Exploit Status:

Not Exploited

EPS Score: 0.00043 | Ranking EPS: 0.09632


Recommended Action:

No proposed action available. Please refer to vendor documentation for updates.

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