Asian media company Nikkei suffered a ransomware attack

The media company Nikkei has disclosed a ransomware attack and revealed that the incident might have impacted customer data.

The Japanese-based media company Nikkey is focused on the business and financial industry, it is the world’s largest financial newspaper. This week the company disclosed a security breach, ransomware infected one of its servers at a Singapore branch. Nikkei reported the attack to Japanese and Singaporean authorities and is investigating the extent of the attack.

“Nikkei announced Thursday that a server at Nikkei Group Asia’s headquarters in Singapore has been hit by ransomware.” reads the data breach notification published by the company. “Unauthorized access to the server was first detected on May 13, prompting an internal probe. Nikkei Group Asia immediately shut down the affected server and took other measures to minimize the impact.”

According to the announcement, the compromised server likely contained customer data, but the company is not aware of data leak.

“We sincerely apologize for the trouble we’ve caused,” Nikkei’s public relations office said in a statement. “We will take appropriate action in cooperation with relevant authorities and strive to enhance information protection.”

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Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs – hacking, Nikkei)

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