Royal Ransomware Victim: Sohnen Enterprises

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Victim NameSohnen Enterprises
Victim Website
(if available)
DescriptionSohnen Enterprises was founded in Los Angeles, California in 1971 by Barry Sohnen. At the time, Sohnen provided wholesale repair services to the importers and manufacturers of consumer electronic products that were popular at the time including portable radios, tape players and stereo systems. The initial business model was very simple and straightforward. Sohnen charged its suppliers a flat fee per unit to repair their product returns. Relatively early in its history, the business changed from this “Fee For Service” arrangement to a new business model wherein Sohnen simply purchased the defective returns outright and then refurbished, repackaged and ultimately resold them to it’s growing list of dealers and distributors. In so doing, Sohnen established itself as the pioneer in the consumer product refurbishing and resale business. Over its past half century in business, Sohnen moved from its first location pictured to the right to increasingly larger spaces, which today include a total of five separate large-scale factories and warehouses measuring close to one million square feet, located in Santa Fe Springs, California and Tijuana, Mexico. Over the course of its history, Sohnen has refurbished tens of millions of units of assorted consumer electronic products and small appliances while generating billions of dollars in sales to Sohnen. Along the way, Sohnen has been fortunate to attract and retain a team of incredibly talented and dedicated employees that have enabled the business to continually provide manufacturers and retailers with a time proven method to maximize their financial recovery and quickly convert their returned products into salable inventory.
Uploaded Date7November2022
Post Tagssohnen
Percent of Files PublishedN/A
Number of Employees
(if available)
Company Revenue$40 Million

Onion Site Indicator Of Compromise (IOC):
h XX p://royal4ezp7xrbakkus3oofjw6gszrohpodmdnfbe5e4w3og5sm7vb3qd[.]onion


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