Malware Analysis – evasion – 37924698d48454df2b486429f3f75c8c

Malware Analysis

Score: 10

  • MALWARE FAMILY: evasion
  • TAGS:evasion, persistence, ransomware, spyware, stealer, trojan
  • MD5: 37924698d48454df2b486429f3f75c8c
  • SHA1: 04a99995340a925fc814198801ef98dc7cb2290c
  • ANALYSIS DATE: 2023-07-06T15:39:15Z
  • TTPS: T1082, T1060, T1112, T1158, T1088, T1089, T1005, T1081, T1012

10Known badA malware family was detected.
8-9Likely maliciousOne or more known damaging malware attack patterns were detected.

The deleting of shadow copies on Windows.
6-7Shows suspicious behaviourOne or more suspicious actions were detected. The detected actions can be malicious but also have (common) benign uses.

Changing file permissions.
Anti-VM behaviour/trying to detect a VM.
2-5Likely benignOne or more interesting behaviours were detected. The detected actions are interesting enough to be notified about but are not directly malicious.
1No (potentially) malicious behaviour was detected.N/A

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