NOESCAPE Ransomware Victim: Fiocruz

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Victim NameFiocruz
Blog Publish Date18 Aug 2023
Screenshots Available
Victim DescriptionThe Institute of technology in Immunobiology (Bio-Manguinhos) is the technical-scientific unit of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) that produces and develops immunobiological solutions to meet the demands of public LINK REDACTED BY REDPACKET SECURITY company’s main servers were successfully encrypted and LINK REDACTED BY REDPACKET SECURITY company’s management, led by Paulo Gadelha and Mauricio Zuma, took the side of the lie and denied that the company had been compromised. This is the worst outcome for you, because we have about 500GB of data stolen from your servers, namely:Over 200GB of backups and databases!Over 10GB of projects!Hundreds of certificates!Notarized and legal documents!Financial sector, banking, tax etc!Legal declarations and income tables!Sexual harassment, sexual harassment reports!Hundreds of confidential agreements and contracts!HR – Sensitive and confidential data of clients and partners, passports, identity cards, contact , dob, mail etc!Immunization cards, patient documents, patient requests for cannabis, cannabis use by patients, statements, reports, incidents, insurance, and hundreds of gigabytes of other critical and confidential documents of both the company and customers, partners, employees, etc. We categorically advise the company’s management to reconsider their attitude to this situation and take the right actions, namely, stop resisting and contact LINK REDACTED BY REDPACKET SECURITY “contribute to the promotion of health and quality of life of the population. Besides the reduction of social inequalities and the national dynamics of innovation, with the defense of the right to health”How can you contribute to the quality of life of your customers and what kind of health protection are you talking about if you don’t care about your customers’ personal data? If you are realy care about your customers, employees and partners, then you should connect with us and protect their data like a serious company and not hide under the guise that everything is under control!Otherwise, all company data will be LINK REDACTED BY REDPACKET SECURITY wave of problems that awaits you after the publication will be crushing because lawsuits, proceedings and compensation will cause huge damage to company. Assign a person to the position of negotiator, and tell him to contact us, we will explain everything and help solve this LINK REDACTED BY REDPACKET SECURITY is running out.
Total Date ListedTotal data: 500 GB
Number of Dark Web Views (at time of scraping)421

Countdown Timer until Data dumped by the Threat Actors

Countdown Timer

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