Akira Ransomware Victim: Family Day Care Serv ices

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Victim Name | Family Day Care Serv ices |
Victim Post Date | 2023-04-26 |
Description | Family Day Care Services is a licensed home child care in Toronto . They use evidence-based approaches in all of our services to en sure we offer quality programs based on sound knowledge. If you s ee Family Day Care data post here, it means that not all services this company provides are of great quality. Family Day Care’s IT “professionals” did nothing to keep their customer’s data in saf ety and, as a result, you will see personal documents of pupils’ parents here in our blog soon. What is important to underline – t here was no negative impact on children educated in this organiza tion when their IT systems crashed. By the way, financial data tu rned out to be very interested as well. Please wait for the relea se. |
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