UDP-Hunter – Network Assessment Tool For Various UDP Services Covering Both IPv4 And IPv6 Protocols
UDP Scanning has always been a slow and painful exercise, and if you add IPv6 on top of UDP, the...
UDP Scanning has always been a slow and painful exercise, and if you add IPv6 on top of UDP, the...
ThreatBox is a standard and controlled Linux based attack platform. I've used a version of this for years. It started...
Program uses Thread Usageint main(){ System sys; Interceptor incp; Exception exp; sys.returnVersionState(); if (sys.returnPrivilegeEscalationState()) { std::cout << "Token Privileges Adjustedn";...
Static Token And Credential ScannerWhat is it?STACS is a The performance is really, really bad when running in Docker on...
A Â Replace your IP Address and Port on above commands.Running ServerThe server must be executed on Linux. You can buy...
Cobalt Strike How does this work?Primarily, using Cobalt Strike's breg_query and breg_queryv functions. Then, all beacon output is hijacked with...
pwnSpoof (from  About The ProjectpwnSpoof was created on the back of a Road MappwnSpoof is built to produce to authentic...
Lsass NTLM Â Login example using Impacket:LimitationsIn an Active Directory environment, authentication via RDP, runas, or the lock screen does not...
Microsoft The msticpy package was initially developed to support This is an unsupervised learning module implemented using SciKit Learn DBScan.More...
 The Kubernetes Goat is designed to be an intentionally  Upcoming Training's and SessionsDEFCON DEMO Labshttps://forum.defcon.org/node/237237Cloud Village - DEFCONhttps://cloud-village.org/#talks?collapseMadhuAkulaRecent Kubernetes Goat...
kube-applier is a service that enables kube-applier hosts a status page on a webserver, served at the service endpoint URL....
JVMXRay is a technology for monitoring access to system resources within the Java Virtual Machine. It’s designed with application security...
Hyenae NG (Next Generation) is a re-write of the original Hyenae tool which was originally published back in the year...
Gotanda is OSINT(Open Source Intelligence) Web Extension for Firefox/Chrome.This Web Extension could search OSINT information from some IOC in web...
This project is born with the aim to develop a lightweight, but useful tool. The reason is that the existing...
EXOCET is superior to Metasploit's "Evasive Payloads" modules as EXOCET uses AES-256 in GCM Mode (Galois/Counter Mode). Metasploit's Evasion Payloads...
Cumulus is a service that helps you monitor and fix security weakness in realtime. The issues will be reported on...
ChopChop is a command-line tool for dynamic application security testing on web applications, initially written by the Michelin CERT.Its goal...
Furious Beaver is a IRP detailsIRP replayConceptIrpDumper.sys is the driver part of the CFB Broker that will auto-extract and install...
A Powershell module to run UsageEnsure you connect to ExchangeOnlineIt's recommended that you run Connect-ExchangeOnline before running any AzureHunter commands....
Deploy a small, intentionally insecure, vulnerable Windows Domain for RDP Honeypot fully automatically.Runs on self-hosted The images should be ready...
Red team operations involve miscellaneous skills, last several months and are politically sensitive; they require a lot of monitoring, consolidating...
Boofuzz is a fork of and the successor to the venerable Boo from Monsters IncInstallationpip install boofuzzBoofuzz installs as a...
Control systems remotely by uploading files to Google Drive, OneDrive, After finding there is Installationsudo apt install libzbar0pip install bs4...