Daily Vulnerability Trends: Sat May 28 2022
Daily Vulnerability Trends (sourced from VulnMon) CVE NAMECVE DescriptionCVE-2022-22784The Zoom Client for Meetings (for Android, iOS, Linux, MacOS, and Windows)...
Daily Vulnerability Trends (sourced from VulnMon) CVE NAMECVE DescriptionCVE-2022-22784The Zoom Client for Meetings (for Android, iOS, Linux, MacOS, and Windows)...
NAME Apple macOS Monterey, macOS Big Sur, iOS and iPadOS code execution Platforms Affected:Apple macOS Monterey 12.2.0 Apple iOS 15.3...
NAME Apple macOS Big Sur, watchOS, iOS and iPadOS code execution Platforms Affected:Apple macOS Big Sur 11.5.0 Apple watchOS 7.6.1...
NAME Apache Archiva security bypass Platforms Affected:Apache Archiva 2.2.1 Apache Archiva 2.2.2 Apache Archiva 2.2.3 Apache Archiva 2.2.4 Apache Archiva...
NAME FriendsofFlarum (FoF) Upload cross-site scripting Platforms Affected:FriendsofFlarum Upload 1.2.2Risk Level:8.7Exploitability:HighConsequences:Cross-Site Scripting DESCRIPTION FriendsofFlarum (FoF) Upload is vulnerable to cross-site...
NAME Apple Safari, tvOS, watchOS, macOS Monterey, iOS and iPadOS code execution Platforms Affected:Apple iPadOS 14.8 Apple iOS 14.8 Apple...
NAME XWiki Platform Wiki UI Main Wiki cross-site scripting Platforms Affected:XWiki Wiki UI Main Wiki 5.3-milestone-2Risk Level:7.4Exploitability:HighConsequences:Cross-Site Scripting DESCRIPTION XWiki...
NAME Open Automation Software OAS Platform security bypass Platforms Affected:Open Automation Software OAS Platform 16.00.0112Risk Level:9.4Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Bypass Security DESCRIPTION Open Automation...
NAME Open Automation Software OAS Platform code execution Platforms Affected:Open Automation Software OAS Platform 16.00.0112Risk Level:9.1Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Open Automation...
Daily Vulnerability Trends (sourced from VulnMon) CVE NAMECVE DescriptionCVE-2022-23648containerd is a container runtime available as a daemon for Linux and...
NAME Node.js random-vouchercode-generator module code execution Platforms Affected:Node.js random-vouchercode-generatorRisk Level:9.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Node.js random-vouchercode-generator module could allow a remote attacker...
NAME Google Chrome Sharing code execution Platforms Affected:Google Chrome 102.0Risk Level:8.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Google Chrome could allow a remote attacker...
NAME Google Chrome Tab Groups code execution Platforms Affected:Google Chrome 102.0Risk Level:8.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Google Chrome could allow a remote...
NAME Google Chrome Messaging code execution Platforms Affected:Google Chrome 102.0Risk Level:8.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Google Chrome could allow a remote attacker...
NAME Node.js protobufjs module code execution Platforms Affected:Node.js protobufjs 6.11.2Risk Level:8.2Exploitability:Proof of ConceptConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Node.js protobufjs module could allow...
NAME Google Chrome Indexed DB code execution Platforms Affected:Google Chrome 102.0Risk Level:8.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Google Chrome could allow a remote...
NAME D-Link DSL-G2452DG security bypass Platforms Affected:D-Link DSL-G2452DG HW:T1\\tFW:ME_2.00Risk Level:9.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Bypass Security DESCRIPTION D-Link DSL-G2452DG could allow a remote attacker to...
NAME Google Chrome WebApp Installs code execution Platforms Affected:Google Chrome 102.0Risk Level:8.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Google Chrome could allow a remote...
NAME Node.js @roku-web-core/ajax module code execution Platforms Affected:Node.js @roku-web-core/ajaxRisk Level:9.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Node.js @roku-web-core/ajax module could allow a remote attacker...
NAME Google Chrome Bookmarks code execution Platforms Affected:Google Chrome 102.0Risk Level:8.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Google Chrome could allow a remote attacker...
NAME Google Chrome App Service code execution Platforms Affected:Google Chrome 102.0Risk Level:8.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Google Chrome could allow a remote...
NAME Google Chrome Tablet Mode code execution Platforms Affected:Google Chrome 102.0Risk Level:8.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Google Chrome could allow a remote...
NAME Google Chrome UI Foundations code execution Platforms Affected:Google Chrome 102.0Risk Level:8.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Google Chrome could allow a remote...
NAME Azure RTOS USBX buffer overflow Platforms Affected:Azure RTOS USBX 6.1.10Risk Level:9.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Azure RTOS USBX is vulnerable to...