COM-Code-Helper – Two IDAPython Scripts Help You To Reconstruct Microsoft COM (Component Object Model) Code

Two IDAPython Scripts help you to reconstruct Microsoft COM (Component Object Model) Code Especially malware reversers will find this useful, as COM Code is still regularly found in malware.
This IDAPython script scans an idb file for class and interfaces UUIDs and creates the matching structure and its name. Make sure to copy interfaces.txt + classes.txt is in the same directory as
This IDAPython script creates vtables derrived from Microsoft SDK. Execution of the script takes a while, as lot of structures are created. After the script finished, go to the COM code you like to reconstruct, press ‘T’ and select the correct vtable-structure.
To learn about COM check out the Microsoft website:
Code was tested on IDA 7.4 and Python versions 2+3

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