Conti Ransomware Victim: https-thecontactcompany-co-u

NOTE: No files or stolen information are [exfiltrated/downloaded/taken/hosted/seen/reposted/disclosed] by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating to the content of the files should be directed at the attackers directly, not RedPacket Security. This blog is simply posting an editorial news post informing that a company has fallen victim to a ransomware attack. RedPacket Security is in no way affiliated or aligned with any ransomware threat actors or groups and will not host infringing content. The information on this page is fully automated and redacted whilst being scraped directly from the Conti Onion Dark Web Tor Blog page.
Victim Name | “The Contact Company” |
Victim Website | |
Address | Queensgate, Grange Road E, Birkenhead, Merseyside, CH41 5FD, United Kingdom |
About | The Contact Company, headquartered in Birkenhead, Merseyside, and established in 2006, is an outsourced customer contact company. Their services include customer contact handling, insight analysis, and compliance support. |
Date of Breach | |
Files | |
Files Published | ! IMPORTANT – READ FIRST.txt,!!chat template.txt,!chat template.txt,# Argos Rec Plan 2021 ( no 1man training group).xlsx,# Argos Rec Plan 2021.xlsx,# RICC Collated v2.doc,# RICC Collated.doc,# Rec Plan Book.xlsx,#. Attendance Tracker – UPDATE ME WITH TIMESHEET.xlsx,#. Nespresso Objectives.pptx,#00020831 Glengettie Complaint.JPG,#00021134.jpeg,#00021278 Tea bags trapped in heat seal.jpeg,#00021278 Tea bags. trapped in heat seal.jpeg,#00022356 H& h FUTS NEW.docx,#00022384 RETAILER TT.docx,#00022445 GOGW £2.50.docx,#1006382553 _ Orders _ Operations _ Sales _ Magento Admin _ Robert Dyas.pdf,#1006497121 _ Orders _ Operations _ Sales _ Magento Admin _ Robert Dyas.pdf,#1006656145 _ Orders _ Operations _ Sales _ Magento Admin _ Robert Dyas.html,#1006656145 _ Orders _ Operations _ Sales _ Magento Admin _ Robert Dyas.pdf,#1006774270 _ Orders _ Operations _ Sales _ Magento Admin _ Robert Dyas.pdf,#167848 March.ods,#2006318912 _ Orders _ Operations _ Sales _ Magento Admin _ Robert Dyas.pdf,#88481 – Ticket Updated.msg,#89695 – Ticket Updated.msg,#90583 – Ticket Updated.msg,#91547 – Ticket Updated.msg,#92661 – Ticket Updated.msg,#93227 – PCI (Delete Call Recordings) – Plusnet PCI – Elizabeth O’Hanlon.msg,#ACADEMY LESSONS.docx,#Front and Back – Plusnet.png,#Nespresso B2B QA Grids and Dashboard (1).xlsm,#Nespresso B2B QA Grids and Dashboard (5).xlsm,#Nespresso B2B QA Grids and Dashboard.xlsm,#Nespresso B2B QA Grids.xlsm,#Nespresso QA Presentation.pptx,#Notes page grey.png,#Notes page orange.png,#Notes page white 2.png,#Notes page white.png,#Plusnet page.png,#Recruitment Template.psd,#Team Split V1 22.07.2021 Temp.xlsx,#Template Track and Trace PI 1 – 2 Calls Audit per agent – Month Year.xlsx,#Template.psd,#ThatCRMFeeling CRM Report Definitions v1.docx,$IEXY7YA.lnk,$IQHR5NT.lnk,$IRLGADD.url,$IXUQ89L.lnk,$IZPVI4U.txt,$RECQCLE.BIN,$REXY7YA.lnk,$RQHR5NT.lnk,$RRLGADD.url,$RXUQ89L.lnk,$RZPVI4U.txt,% split of queues Q2 v6 and Q3 v2 – Liverpool.xlsx,% split of queues Q2 v6, Q3 v4 and Q4 v1 – Liverpool.xlsx,%GT Count of Date by The Case Status of the WISMO case within the Case Group and 2 Were we able to resolve your query.csv,’Find This’ Activity.docx,’How to’ guide for fixing blank screen for ISA store log in .msg,(1) RAMP Minutes 19 04 16.doc,(1) Survey Meeting Actions.doc,(1)Aaron Amey W.C13.01.20.xlsx,(10) RAMP Minutes 13 07 16.doc,(11) RAMP Minutes 20 07 16.doc,(12) RAMP Minutes 27 07 16.doc,(2 fail)Aaron Amey W.C13.01.20.xlsx,(2) RAMP Minutes 04 05 16.doc,(2) Tasks _ Please review the new MAL specification.pdf,(2).jpg,(20201118) Case Allocations.xlsx,(20201119) Case Allocations.xlsx,(20201120) Case Allocations.xlsx,(20201121) Case Allocations .xlsx,(20201122) Case Allocations.xlsx,(3) RAMP Minutes 18 05 16.doc,(3)Aaron Amey W.C13.01.20.xlsx,(33,532 unread) – [email protected] – Yahoo Mail.pdf,(4) General (TCC_Meyer Customer Service Queries) _ Microsoft Teams.html,(4) RAMP Minutes 25 05 16.doc,(5) RAMP Minutes 01 06 16.doc,(6) RAMP Minutes 15 06 16.doc,(7) RAMP Minutes 22 06 16.doc,(73432563) Comp Framework.rtf,(8) RAMP Minutes 29 06 16.doc,(9) RAMP Minutes 06 07 16.doc,(ARG009) Additional Pre Delivery Process Final v1.0.docx,(ARG010) Sterling process flow coll.repl.exch Final v1.0.docx,(ARG011) Two Man Post Del Processes final v1.0.docx,(CERT001) APS End of Training Certificate Final V1.0.pptx,(CERT002) Argos End of Training Certificate Final v1.0.pptx,(CERT003) at800 End of Training Certificate Final v1.0.pptx,(CERT004) Atos End of Training Certificate Final v1.0.pptx,(CERT005) Chums End of Training Certificate Final v1.0.pptx,(CERT006) DPD End of Training Certificate Final v1.0.pptx,(CERT007) Fire Marshal End of Training Certificate Final v1.0.pptx,(CERT008) GLTC End of Training Certificate Final v1.0.pptx |
Number of Views of Breached Information (at the time of posting this) |
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