Discord Channel now available.
I have received a couple of request recently to create a discord channel but had never really had the time to go and sort it out and integrate with everything else, well guess what?

If you are not sure what discord is, let me tell you. It’s a free service, accessible from mobile devices and computers, allows users to talk to friends or strangers in real-time via voice, text or video chat. It made its debut four years ago as a way for people to communicate while playing videogames. With the rise of “Fortnite” and other popular online multiplayer games, it has exploded. Discord Inc. says it now has more than 250 million registered users, up from 130 million a year ago, and that 850 million messages are exchanged daily.
With this new channel added to the site, you now can use Reddit, Telegram, Twitter or Discord to follow the site or stay to have a chat.
Catch you later 🙂