Group-IB CEO will remain in jail – complaint denied
On August 18, a Russian judge decided that Ilya Sachkov, founder and CEO of the Russian-led Group-IB, will remain in jail.
Ilya Sachkov, founder and CEO of the Russian-led Group-IB will remain in jail following the judge’s decision on August 18th after his defense team filed a complaint according to TASS (Russian Media Agency). Starting September 2021, the Russian national has already spent roughly 1 year in prison.

According to public sources, his case may be related to the arrested colonel of FSB (Federal Security Service of Russian Federation) Sergey Mikhaylov, and Kaspersky Labs employee Ruslan Stoyanov.
As detailed by Bloomberg, Mr. Mikhaylov was convicted in 2019 and sentenced to 22 years in prison after a trial in which Sachkov was a key witness for the prosecution, according to Mikhailov’s defense team, which has accused Sachkov of providing a false testimony.
The company originally founded in Russia by Ilya Sachkov and Dmitry Volkov appeared in a questionable spotlight after the indictment by the FBI, of one of the Group-IB employees Nikita Kislitsin was accused in the monetization of stolen data.
Just recently, the company was banned by Italian National Cybersecurity Agency from working with the public sector and sanctioned by President of Ukraine.
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Pierluigi Paganini
(SecurityAffairs – hacking, Group-IB)
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