InsightAppSec Release Roundup: What’s New and Updated

Despite the summer season entering full swing, we know cyber-threats take no vacations. That’s why our team has been working diligently behind the scenes to bring you a slew of improvements in InsightAppSec, our leading cloud-based DAST solution.
We’ve recapped the latest and greatest ways to work smarter and more efficiently in InsightAppSec, so you can get some much-deserved time back:
[Update] Rapid7 AppSec Plugin for Chrome
The Rapid7 AppSec Plugin for Chrome, a useful tool for recording, replaying, and understanding traffic across your server, apps, and authentication layers, has gotten a major update. Learn more about this extension, or get started with step-by-step instructions.
[New] CSV Export for Vulnerabilities
Providing a more flexible option for data analysis, InsightAppSec now lets users export vulnerability data in CSV format.
[New] JSON Export for Crawl Maps
In addition to viewing crawl maps from within the InsightAppSec UI, users can now export their raw crawl maps as JSON files by selecting “Export to JSON.”
[New] Vulnerability Change History
For additional visibility, we’ve added the vulnerability change history feature. Users can drill down into a vulnerability to see recorded changes to its severity and status, as well as any applicable triggers for said changes.

[New] Vulnerability Filter Option – “DOES NOT CONTAIN”
A new option, “DOES NOT CONTAIN,” has been added to InsightAppSec so that users can exclude certain vulnerabilities when filtering and analyzing data. “DOES NOT CONTAIN” has been added to the following areas: All Scans, App – Scans, App – Vulnerabilities, All Vulns, and Scan – Vulnerabilities.
[New] Vulnerability Discovery Dates
Users can now stay in the know for the “what” and the “when” behind discovered vulns. Find all discovery dates for a specific vulnerability via the API, or perform searches for when vulnerabilities were discovered within a specified range via the API and UI.
Our work doesn’t end here: Keep your eyes peeled for continued releases and upgrades for InsightAppSec in the coming months. If you aren’t currently an InsightAppSec customer and would like to see these improvements in action, you can get started with a 30-day free trial.
On behalf of the InsightAppSec team, we hope you have a happy and healthy rest of your summer.
[On-Demand Demo] See InsightAppSec in action in this pre-recorded demo
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