Moscow is turning into a “digital concentration camp”, say locals

The Moscow authorities refused to issue 900 thousand digital passes per day due to incorrect information submitted by the applicants. Those who try to get a pass using incorrect information will face punishment, warned the head of the Department of information technology, Eduard Lysenko.
It should be noted that walking, according to the authorities, will still be possible without a QR code from the city hall, but no further than 100 meters from the house. And the police, by the way, has already begun to issue fines to everyone who was caught further than 100 meters from the place of residence.
Experts believe that the coronavirus will pass sooner or later, but the amendment introduced on March 31 to the Moscow Code of Administrative Offenses, which allows to fine with CCTV and geolocation, will remain. This is a fundamentally new norm, which allows to fine residents of Moscow on the basis of only video recording from cameras in almost automatic mode, similar to how fines are now issued to drivers.
In fact, the city authorities began to monitor residents of Moscow a long time ago, but until now they have not dared to use this system openly.
It is worth noting that the Chairman of the Moscow City Court Olga Egorova recently misspoke: “People do not know, but the courts already have a system for recognizing citizens. When the courts heard cases on the rallies last year, six people who were wanted were detained in the courthouse. They came just to listen and support the defendants, and the police detained them.”
In other words, the system of electronic tracking of people has already been established and tested.
This system is being introduced into mass use in Moscow right now. And the epidemic is a good reason for such actions.
It is worth adding that in the Russian pharmacies it is still impossible to buy masks and sanitizers, even ordinary paracetamol was not easy to find. Remedies are not enough to even for doctors.
It is interesting to note, according to Russian scientist Olga Chetverikova, the danger of digitalization is that society turns into a totalitarian sect. And the most effective way to manage people is to provoke a sense of fear. In a state of depression, despair and hopelessness, a person is ready to accept any apocalyptic scenario. For example, the “digitization of schools” is designed to create human robots that will be controlled by the world’s non-digital elite.
Earlier, E Hacking News reported that on the eve of the city hall website was subject to hacker attacks.