MUI – A GUI Plugin For Binary Ninja To Easily Interact With And View The Progress Of Manticore

With the


  • State Graph Widget

    Shows the provenance tree for a certain state selected in the list widget. Tab can be used to expand/collapse the graph and double-clicking any of the state nodes navigates you to the current instruction of that state.

  • Run Dialog

    The run dialog is shown when you invoke the Solve with Manticore command. It allows you to configure the various manticore options, and the changes will be saved to the bndb file. Some example configs include using a combination of LD_PRELOAD and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables to run the binary with custom glibc.


  • Custom Hook Dialog

    The custom hook dialog can be accessed using the Add/Edit Custom Hook command. It allows you to define a custom manticore hook at the selected address. You also have full access to the Binary Ninja API which allows you to add highlighting, comments, and more. A defined hook can be removed by setting the code input field to blank.

  • Run Report

    The report page shows the result of a manticore execution. It displays all the files produced using the Binary Ninja UI.


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