Ronin – A Ruby Platform For Vulnerability Research And Exploit Development

Ronin is a Ruby platform for vulnerability research and exploit development. Ronin allows for the rapid development and distribution of code, Exploits, Payloads, Scanners, etc, via Repositories.
Ronin provides users with a powerful Ruby Console, pre-loaded with powerful convenience methods. In the Console one can work with data and automate complex tasks, with greater ease than the command-line.
Ronin ships with a preconfigured Database, that one can interact with from Ruby, without having to write any SQL.
>> HostName.tld('eu').urls.with_query_param('id')
Ronin provides a Repository system, allowing users to organize and share miscallaneous Data, Code, Exploits, Payloads, Scanners, etc.
$ ronin install git://
Ronin provides libraries with additional functionality, such as Exploitation and Scanning:
$ gem install ronin-exploits
- Supports installing/updating/uninstalling of Repositories.
- Supports installing Repositories from various media types:
- Subversion (SVN)
- Mercurial (Hg)
- Git
- Rsync
- Supports installing Repositories from various media types:
- Provides a Database using DataMapper with:
- {Ronin::Author}
- {Ronin::License}
- {Ronin::Arch}
- {Ronin::OS}
- {Ronin::Software}
- {Ronin::Vendor}
- {Ronin::Address}
- {Ronin::MACAddress}
- {Ronin::IPAddress}
- {Ronin::HostName}
- {Ronin::Port}
- {Ronin::TCPPort}
- {Ronin::UDPPort}
- {Ronin::Service}
- {Ronin::OpenPort}
- {Ronin::OSGuess}
- {Ronin::UserName}
- {Ronin::URL}
- {Ronin::EmailAddress}
- {Ronin::Credential}
- {Ronin::ServiceCredential}
- {Ronin::WebCredential}
- {Ronin::Organization}
- {Ronin::Campaign}
- {Ronin::Target}
- Caches exploits, payloads, scanners, etc stored within Repositories into the Database.
- Convenience methods provided by ronin-support.
- Provides a customized Ruby Console using Ripl with:
- Syntax highlighting.
- Tab completion.
- Auto indentation.
- Pretty Printing (
). print_info
output helper methods with color-output.- Inline commands (
!nmap -v -sT
- Provides an extensible command-line interface.
Start the Ronin console:
$ ronin
Run a Ruby script in Ronin:
$ ronin exec script.rb
View available commands:
$ ronin help
View a man-page for a command:
$ ronin help wordlist
Install a Repository:
$ ronin install svn://
List installed Repositories:
$ ronin repos
Update all installed Repositories:
$ ronin update
Update a specific Repositories:
$ ronin update repo-name
Uninstall a specific Repositories:
$ ronin uninstall repo-name
List available Databases:
$ ronin database
Add a new Database:
$ ronin database --add team --uri mysql://user:[email protected]/db
Remove a Database:
$ ronin database --remove team
- Ruby >= 1.8.7
- DataMapper:
- dm-sqlite-adapter ~> 1.2
- libsqlite3
- dm-core ~> 1.2
- dm-types ~> 1.2
- dm-migrations ~> 1.2
- dm-validations ~> 1.2
- dm-aggregates ~> 1.2
- dm-timestamps ~> 1.2
- dm-sqlite-adapter ~> 1.2
- dm-is-predefined ~> 0.4
- uri-query_params ~> 0.6
- open_namespace ~> 0.4
- data_paths ~> 0.3
- object_loader ~> 1.0
- parameters ~> 0.4
- pullr ~> 0.1, >= 0.1.2
- ripl ~> 0.3
- ripl-multi_line ~> 0.2
- ripl-auto_indent ~> 0.1
- ripl-short_errors ~> 0.1
- ripl-color_result ~> 0.3
- ronin-support ~> 0.5
$ gem install ronin
- Fork It!
- Clone It!
cd ronin
bundle install
git checkout -b my_feature
- Code It!
bundle exec rake spec
git push origin my_feature
Copyright (c) 2006-2021 Hal Brodigan (postmodern.mod3 at
This file is part of ronin.
Ronin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Ronin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Ronin. If not, see
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