Russian media reported on fake domains for pre-ordering coronavirus vaccine

After the Russian Ministry of Health registered the first coronavirus vaccine, the number of new domains associated with the vaccine increased on the Internet.
Creating a phishing site takes three to four hours thanks to designers and illegal CDNs, and earnings from them can range from thousands of dollars and much more depending on the audience and period, said Andrey Zaikin, head of the Information Security department at CROC IT company.
In the ten days since the vaccine was registered, 113 related domains appeared in the .com and .ru zones, said Eugene Voloshin, Director of the cybersecurity company Bi.Zone. Infosecurity a Softline Company adds that in July-August 2020, 445 domains were registered, which is about nine per day.
Such sites started appearing in March. They offered to buy a non-existent vaccine and medication for coronavirus.
One resource in English offered to pre-order a vaccine in the amount of 10,000 to 1 million doses and pay a quarter of the cost of the batch, reported the Telegram channel @In4security.
According to Check Point, the number of actual attacks related to the coronavirus has decreased: in July, there were about 61 million on average per week, and in June – about 130 million per week. In contrast, Trend Micro believes that the number of Internet threats exploiting the topic of coronavirus is growing, as the number of complaints from citizens has increased three to four times. In the first half of 2020, the company identified 9 million such threats.
The volume of phishing increased as people became much more active on the Internet during the pandemic and this continues to this day, believes expert of Kaspersky Lab.
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