Sarenka – OSINT Tool – Data From Services Like Shodan, Censys Etc. In One Place

SARENKA is an Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) tool which helps you obtaining and understanding Attack Surface.
The main goal is to gathering infromation from search engines for Internet-connected devices (, It scraps data about Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) and also has database where CVEs are mapped to CWE.
It returns data about local machine – local installed softwares (from Windows Registry), local network information (python libraries, popular cmd commads).
For now application has also simple tools like hash calcualtor, shannon entropy calculator and very simple port scanner. More cryptography-math tools and reconnaissance scripts are planned.
Realtion beetwen CWE and CVE – sarenka data feeder
Generating this file takes a long time e.g: 702.5641514
all CWE Ids with description
all CVE Ids with description
In progress
get all CVE Ids by CWE Id
In progress
Description in progress
Getting started
Description in progress Sarenka is local web application for Windows.
Rirst release gathers data from two search engines. example sarenka/backend/connectors/credentials.json
"censys": {
"base_url": "",
"API_ID": "<my_user>",
"Secret": "<my_api_key>",
"API_URL": ""
"shodan": {
"base_url": "",
"user": "<my_user>",
"api_key": "<my_api_key>"
- gets data from by ip
- get data from by ip
- get DNS data
- get WHOIS data
- banner grabbing
- find CVEs by CWE
- generatre pdf report
You can also:
- calculate hashes based on user string
- calculate shannon entropy based on user string
- check is port open|closed (instead always use nmap if you can – it’s slow)
This is tricki part, because we have 863 sqlite3 database files: default, CWE-NONE (some CVE hasn’t cwe_id eg.: CVE-2013-3621) and 861 individual for CWEs
Description in progress.
SARENKA uses a number of open source projects to work properly on:
- Renderforest – logo generator
- gawk – python migrate –database CWE_ID
- chocolatey
- PyCharm – Community Edition
- Technology – description
- Technology – description
- Technology – description
- Technology – description
- Technology – description
- Technology – description
- Technology – description
- Technology – description
- Technology – description
- Technology – description
And of course SARENKA itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.
Planned features
- Rewrite documentation in English (end of 2021)
- trello/ github instead of Jira
- Cover 100% code by tests
- typing backend
- document all functions and class
- Docker
- online demo
- Jenkins
- GraphQL
- Selenium Scrapers
- More pentesting tools
- Google Dorks
- Abstract Algebra calculator
- Number Theory calculator
- Server certificate validator
- tests on Linux
- d3js visualizations
- alterntive pure version in command lineS
CI/CD Tools
- Tested on Windows 10
- Tested on Kali Linux kali-rolling 2020.2
Till end of March, 2021 documentation will be available only in Polish! The documentation is availabe here.
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