Siemens USA Announced the Launch of Its Technologically Advanced Cyber Test Range

As the Coronavirus pandemic prompted an expansion in cyberattacks, this called for the need for certain facilities that would explicitly focus on prevention, discovery, and response solutions. For a similar reason, Siemens USA came up with the launch of its innovatively progressed cyber test go housed at its U.S. R&D headquarters in Princeton, New Jersey.
The Siemens cyber test range was intended to test developing cybersecurity innovations against real-world situations to help distinguish and moderate potential weaknesses.
The cyber range has embarked to turn into a hub where data scientists, security experts, and others can come together to perform inventive researches in the field of cybersecurity and prototype and approve new research ideas.
Siemens’ growing collection of operational innovation hardware and software components makes the range more valuable for ‘a variety of industrially focused security research’.
The design of the facility was done keeping in mind the adaptability, permitting remote operation and range segments to be moved to different areas like gatherings, colleges, government research labs, and even customer environments.
Siemens has partnered together with the Atlantic Council to utilize this cyber range to upgrade students’ understanding during their ‘Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge’ arrangement through the re-enactment of cyberattacks on frameworks like advanced water treatment and power generation facilities.
Today, Siemens and its products are upheld by a global association with more than 1,200 digital specialists. The organization’s products and solutions have modern security functions that are inherent by design and empowered by default.
Kurt John, Siemens USA’s Chief Cybersecurity Office says “Cybersecurity is at the center of everything we do at Siemens. This cyber range will help Siemens continue to innovate in the field of critical infrastructure cybersecurity and build industry confidence in the secure digitalization of America’s operational technology. With this cyber range, our customers and partners can now join us on our ongoing journey to help mitigate cyberattacks and protect America’s critical infrastructure.”
This cyber range will undoubtedly be another space for future pioneers to fabricate trust in associated foundation to shape an economical and a strong future and simultaneously for Siemens to ace the innovation foundational to a Fourth Industrial Revolution.
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