[AKIRA] – Ransomware Victim: idrefjall[.]com
Ransomware Group: AKIRA VICTIM NAME: idrefjallcom NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: AKIRA VICTIM NAME: idrefjallcom NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: AKIRA VICTIM NAME: omniflowcom NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: AKIRA VICTIM NAME: farmatodocom NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: AKIRA VICTIM NAME: elfukcom NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: AKIRA VICTIM NAME: foxconstructiongroupcouk NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: AKIRA VICTIM NAME: teligentemscom NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: AKIRA VICTIM NAME: garcesfruitcom NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: FUNKSEC VICTIM NAME: inmobiliariamaspormenoscom NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: AKIRA VICTIM NAME: rqsicom NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: AKIRA VICTIM NAME: centerracoopcom NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: AKIRA VICTIM NAME: andrewlaurencom NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: RHYSIDA VICTIM NAME: Pembina Trails School Division NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any...
Ransomware Group: AKIRA VICTIM NAME: adhydracleancom NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: AKIRA VICTIM NAME: empereon-constarcom NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: AKIRA VICTIM NAME: rightofwayequipmentnet NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: AKIRA VICTIM NAME: vanguardpaintscom NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: FUNKSEC VICTIM NAME: scriptkiddies and newbe researchers NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any...
Ransomware Group: QILIN VICTIM NAME: HEXPOL COMPOUNDING AMERICAS NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal...
Ransomware Group: AKIRA VICTIM NAME: Taking stock of 2024| Part 1 NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket...
Ransomware Group: FUNKSEC VICTIM NAME: dms-ksacom NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: 8BASE VICTIM NAME: Southeast Supply NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues...
Ransomware Group: QILIN VICTIM NAME: HIKARI SEIKO NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues...
Ransomware Group: QILIN VICTIM NAME: akran NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...
Ransomware Group: CACTUS VICTIM NAME: sunrise-soyacom NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating...