SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP and ABAP Platform denial of service | CVE-2023-28763
NAME__________SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP and ABAP Platform denial of servicePlatforms Affected:SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 740 SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP...
NAME__________SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP and ABAP Platform denial of servicePlatforms Affected:SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 740 SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP...
NAME__________Microsoft Windows Network Address Translation (NAT) denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft Windows...
NAME__________Microsoft Windows Secure Channel denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft Windows 10 x32...
NAME__________Microsoft Windows Message Queuing denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft Windows 10 x32...
NAME__________Microsoft Windows Secure Channel denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Microsoft Windows Server (Server Core installation) 2022 Microsoft Windows...
NAME__________Microsoft Windows Message Queuing denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft Windows 10 x32...
NAME__________Microsoft Defender denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Risk Level:7.5Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Denial of Service DESCRIPTION__________Microsoft Defender is vulnerable to a denial of service. By sending...
NAME__________Microsoft Windows TLS denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Microsoft Windows Server (Server Core installation) 2022 Microsoft Windows 11...
NAME__________Microsoft Windows Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft...
NAME__________SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP denial of servicePlatforms Affected:SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 700 SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 701 SAP NetWeaver...
NAME__________Siemens products denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Risk Level:7.5Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Denial of Service DESCRIPTION__________Siemens products are vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by...
NAME__________Siemens products denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Risk Level:7.5Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Denial of Service DESCRIPTION__________Siemens products are vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by...
NAME__________Siemens products denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Risk Level:7.5Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Denial of Service DESCRIPTION__________Siemens products are vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by...
NAME__________GNU Screen denial of servicePlatforms Affected:GNU Screen 4.9.0Risk Level:5.5Exploitability:Proof of ConceptConsequences:Denial of Service DESCRIPTION__________GNU Screen is vulnerable to a denial...
NAME__________BulletProof FTP Server denial of servicePlatforms Affected:BulletProof Software BulletProof FTP Server 2019.0.0.51Risk Level:5.3Exploitability:Proof of ConceptConsequences:Denial of Service DESCRIPTION__________BulletProof FTP Server...
NAME__________Golang Go denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Golang Go 1.19.7 Golang Go 1.20.2Risk Level:7.5Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Denial of Service DESCRIPTION__________Golang Go is vulnerable to a...
NAME__________Golang Go denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Golang Go 1.19.7 Golang Go 1.20.2Risk Level:7.5Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Denial of Service DESCRIPTION__________Golang Go is vulnerable to a...
NAME__________Wagtail denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Wagtail Wagtail 4.1.3 Wagtail Wagtail 4.2Risk Level:4.9Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Denial of Service DESCRIPTION__________Wagtail is vulnerable to a denial of...
NAME__________Open vSwitch denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Open vSwitch Open vSwitchRisk Level:5.3Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Denial of Service DESCRIPTION__________Open vSwitch is vulnerable to a denial of...
NAME__________MediaWiki denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Risk Level:5.3Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Denial of Service DESCRIPTION__________MediaWiki is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by an auto-block...
NAME__________CheckUser extension for MediaWiki denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Risk Level:5.3Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Denial of Service DESCRIPTION__________CheckUser extension for MediaWiki is vulnerable to a denial...
NAME__________Qualcomm Chipsets denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Qualcomm ChipsetsRisk Level:7.5Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Denial of Service DESCRIPTION__________Qualcomm Chipsets is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused...
NAME__________Qualcomm Chipsets denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Qualcomm ChipsetsRisk Level:7.5Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Denial of Service DESCRIPTION__________Qualcomm Chipsets is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused...
NAME__________Qualcomm Chipsets denial of servicePlatforms Affected:Qualcomm ChipsetsRisk Level:7.5Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Denial of Service DESCRIPTION__________Qualcomm Chipsets is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused...