[FOG] – Ransomware Victim: Waters Truck and Tractor (waterstruck[.]com)
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Waters Truck and Tractor (waterstruckcom) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security....
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Waters Truck and Tractor (waterstruckcom) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security....
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Vector Transport (vectortransportcom) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Cape Cod Regional Technical High School (capetechus) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: GSR Andrade Architects (gsr-andradecom) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Askling Car (asklingbilse) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Jillamy (jillamycom) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: SmartSource (smartsource-inccom) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Sage Automotive Interior (sageautomotiveinteriorscom) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Jordan Public Schools (hXXps://wwwjordank12mnus/) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Evergreen Public Schools (evergreenpsorg) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Evergreen Local School District (evgvikingsorg) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security....
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Cucamonga Valley Water District (cvwdwatercom) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security....
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: The Getz Group (getzcomhk) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Value City NJ (valuecitynjcom) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Apache Mills, Inc (apachemillscom) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Goshen Central School District (gcsnyorg) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security....
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Mar-Bal (mar-balcom) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Lincoln University (lincolnuedu) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Clear Connection (clearconnectioncom) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Philadelphia Macaroni (philamacaronicom) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Schweiger Transport (schweiger-gmbhde) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Trimarc Financial (trimarccom) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Fromm (FrommBeautycom) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues...
Ransomware Group: FOG VICTIM NAME: Ultra Tune (ultratunecomau) NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal...