Apple Safari WebKit buffer overflow | CVE-2022-32886
NAME Apple Safari WebKit buffer overflow Platforms Affected:Apple Safari 15.6Risk Level:8.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Apple Safari is vulnerable to a buffer...
NAME Apple Safari WebKit buffer overflow Platforms Affected:Apple Safari 15.6Risk Level:8.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Apple Safari is vulnerable to a buffer...
NAME wpForo Forum plugin for WordPress cross-site request forgery Platforms Affected:WordPress wpForo Forum plugin for WordPress 1.5.1 WordPress wpForo Forum...
NAME Node.js cruddl module code execution Platforms Affected:Node.js cruddl 3.0.0 Node.js cruddl 3.0.1 Node.js cruddl 1.1.0 Node.js cruddl 2.6.0Risk Level:9.9Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain...
NAME Rdiffweb clickjacking Platforms Affected:ikus060 Rdiffweb 2.5.0a1 ikus060 Rdiffweb 2.4.0 ikus060 Rdiffweb 2.4.0.a8 ikus060 Rdiffweb 2.4.0.a7 ikus060 Rdiffweb 2.4.0.a6 ikus060...
NAME SageMath overflow Platforms Affected:SageMath SageMath 9.0Risk Level:9.8Exploitability:Proof of ConceptConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION SageMath could allow a remote attacker to execute...
NAME Linux Kernel code execution Platforms Affected:Linux Kernel 5.16.9Risk Level:8.4Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Linux Kernel could allow a local attacker to...
NAME XWiki Platform Wiki UI Main Wiki code execution Platforms Affected:XWiki Platform Wiki UI Main Wiki 13.10.5 XWiki Platform Wiki...
NAME PlexTrac brute force Platforms Affected:PlexTrac PlexTrac 1.27.0 PlexTrac PlexTrac 1.26.0 PlexTrac PlexTrac 1.25.0 PlexTrac PlexTrac 1.24.0 PlexTrac PlexTrac 1.23.0...
NAME NETGEAR R6200_v2 command execution Platforms Affected:NETGEAR R6200v2 1.0.3 NETGEAR R6200v2 Level:8.8Exploitability:Proof of ConceptConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION NETGEAR R6200_v2 could...
NAME XWiki Platform Applications Tag and XWiki Platform Tag UI code execution Platforms Affected:XWiki Platform Applications Tag 1.7 XWiki Platform...
NAME OpenRemote code execution Platforms Affected:OpenRemote OpenRemote 1.0.4Risk Level:8.8Exploitability:Proof of ConceptConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION OpenRemote could allow a remote authenticated attacker...
NAME Tenda G3 buffer overflow Platforms Affected:Tenda G3 US_G3V3.0br_V15.11.0.6(7663)_EN_TDERisk Level:9.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Tenda G3 is vulnerable to a buffer overflow,...
NAME Vim code execution Platforms Affected:Vim Vim 9.0.0388Risk Level:7.8Exploitability:Proof of ConceptConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Vim could allow a remote attacker to...
NAME Rust OSDev linked-list-allocator code execution Platforms Affected:Rust OSDev linked-list-allocator 0.10.1Risk Level:8.4Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Rust OSDev linked-list-allocator could allow a...
NAME NETGEAR R6200v2 and NETGEAR R6300v2 command execution Platforms Affected:NETGEAR R6200v2 NETGEAR R6300v2 Level:9.8Exploitability:Proof of ConceptConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION...
NAME MZ Automation libIEC61850 buffer overflow Platforms Affected:MZ Automation LibIEC61850 1.5.0 MZ Automation libIEC61850 1.4Risk Level:10Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION MZ Automation...
NAME MZ Automation libIEC61850 buffer overflow Platforms Affected:MZ Automation LibIEC61850 1.5.0 MZ Automation libIEC61850 1.4Risk Level:10Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION MZ Automation...
NAME Google ChromeOS Ash code execution Platforms Affected:Google Chrome OS 105.0Risk Level:8.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Google ChromeOS could allow a remote...
NAME Tenda G3 devices buffer overflow Platforms Affected:Tenda G3 Level:9.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Tenda G3 devices are vulnerable to a...
NAME Vim code execution Platforms Affected:Vim Vim 9.0.0321Risk Level:7.8Exploitability:Proof of ConceptConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Vim could allow a remote attacker to...
NAME Multiple Mediatek Chipsets code execution Platforms Affected:Mediatek MT6580 MediaTek MT8167 MediaTek MT8183 MediaTek MT8362A MediaTek MT8385 Mediatek MT6735 Mediatek...
NAME Apache IoTDB session hijacking Platforms Affected:Apache IoTDB 0.13.0Risk Level:8.1Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Apache IoTDB could allow a remote attacker to...
NAME Hyperledger Indy-Node code execution Platforms Affected:Hyperledger Indy Node 1.12.4Risk Level:8.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Hyperledger Indy-Node could allow a remote authenticated...
NAME Zyxel NAS326 code execution Platforms Affected:Zyxel NAS326 5.20 Zyxel NAS326 5.19Risk Level:9.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Zyxel NAS326 could allow a...