ELECOM LAN routers command execution | CVE-2022-21173
NAME ELECOM LAN routers command execution Platforms Affected:ELECOM LAN WRH-300BK3 1.05 ELECOM LAN WRH-300WH3 1.05 ELECOM LAN WRH-300BK3-S 1.05 ELECOM...
NAME ELECOM LAN routers command execution Platforms Affected:ELECOM LAN WRH-300BK3 1.05 ELECOM LAN WRH-300WH3 1.05 ELECOM LAN WRH-300BK3-S 1.05 ELECOM...
NAME Wing FTP Server code execution Platforms Affected:Wing FTP Server Wing FTP Server 4.3.8Risk Level:9.9Exploitability:Proof of ConceptConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Wing...
NAME Frourio for NPM code execution Platforms Affected:Frourio Frourio 0.25.1Risk Level:8.1Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Frourio for NPM could allow a remote...
NAME D-Link DIR-878 command execution Platforms Affected:D-Link DIR-882 FW1.30B06_Hotfix_02 D-Link DIR-878 FW1.30B08_Hotfix_02Risk Level:9.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION D-Link DIR-878 could allow a...
NAME PHP Everywhere plugin for WordPress code execution Platforms Affected:WordPress PHP Everywhere plugin for WordPress 2.0.2 WordPress PHP Everywhere plugin...
NAME QEMU Monitor Human Monitor Interface (HMP) command execution Platforms Affected:QEMU QEMU 6.2.0Risk Level:9.8Exploitability:FunctionalConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION QEMU could allow a...
NAME PHP Everywhere plugin for WordPress code execution Platforms Affected:WordPress PHP Everywhere plugin for WordPress 2.0.2 WordPress PHP Everywhere plugin...
NAME SAP NetWeaver, SAP Content Server and SAP Web Dispatcher HTTP request smuggling Platforms Affected:SAP Web Dispatcher WEBDISP 7.53 SAP...
NAME Microsoft Visual Studio Code Remote Development Extension code execution Platforms Affected:Microsoft Visual Studio CodeRisk Level:8.1Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Microsoft Visual...
NAME Microsoft Azure Data Explorer spoofing Platforms Affected:Microsoft Azure Data ExplorerRisk Level:8.1Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION Microsoft Azure Data Explorer could allow...
NAME D-Link DIR-882 command execution Platforms Affected:D-Link DIR-878 FW1.30B08_Hotfix_02Risk Level:9.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION D-Link DIR-882 could allow a remote attacker to...
NAME Microsoft SharePoint Server code execution Platforms Affected:Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise Server 2016 Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise Server 2013 SP1 Microsoft SharePoint...
NAME SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java HTTP Request Smuggling Platforms Affected:SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java KRNL64NUC 7.22 SAP NetWeaver Application...
NAME PHP Everywhere plugin for WordPress code execution Platforms Affected:WordPress PHP Everywhere plugin for WordPress 2.0.2 WordPress PHP Everywhere plugin...
NAME XWiki XWiki Platform code execution Platforms Affected:XWiki XWiki Platform 3.1M1 XWiki XWiki Platform 12.10.4Risk Level:8.8Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION XWiki XWiki...
NAME Microsoft Windows DNS Server code execution Platforms Affected:Microsoft Windows 10 1909 for 32-bit Systems Microsoft Windows 10 1909 for...
NAME Airspan Networks Mimosa product line code execution Platforms Affected:Airspan Networks MMP 1.0.2 Airspan Networks PTP Airspan Networks PTMP...
NAME Insyde InsydeH2O buffer overflow Platforms Affected:Insyde InsydeH2O 5.1 Insyde InsydeH2O 5.2 Insyde InsydeH2O 5.3 Insyde InsydeH2O 5.4 Insyde InsydeH2O...
NAME Airspan Networks Mimosa product line SQL injection Platforms Affected:Airspan Networks MMP 1.0.2 Airspan Networks PTP Airspan Networks PTMP...
NAME Airspan Networks Mimosa product line command execution Platforms Affected:Airspan Networks MMP 1.0.2 Airspan Networks PTP Airspan Networks PTMP...
NAME Insyde InsydeH2O code execution Platforms Affected:Insyde InsydeH2O 5.1 Insyde InsydeH2O 5.2 Insyde InsydeH2O 5.3 Insyde InsydeH2O 5.4 Insyde InsydeH2O...
NAME Airspan Networks Mimosa product line server-side request forgery Platforms Affected:Airspan Networks MMP 1.0.2 Airspan Networks PTP Airspan Networks...
NAME PostgreSQL JDBC Driver (PgJDBC) code execution Platforms Affected:PgJDBC PgJDBC 42.2.24 PgJDBC PgJDBC 42.3.1Risk Level:8.5Exploitability:UnprovenConsequences:Gain Access DESCRIPTION PostgreSQL JDBC Driver...
NAME Airspan Networks Mimosa product line code execution Platforms Affected:Airspan Networks MMP 1.0.2 Airspan Networks PTP Airspan Networks PTMP...