Announcing the 2020 Metasploit community CTF
Metasploit’s community CTF is back by popular demand. Starting January 30, put your skills to the test for a chance...
Metasploit’s community CTF is back by popular demand. Starting January 30, put your skills to the test for a chance...
This is a standalone script written in Python 3 for GTFOBins. You can search for Unix binaries that can be...
SWFPFinder is a simple and open source bash script designed to discovery the potential swf (file) parameters on the webapp...
The first Patch Tuesday of 2020 has been hotly anticipated due to a rumour that Microsoft would be fixing a...
This is a guest post by Rapid7 customer Steven Maske, the Information Security Manager of a manufacturing, retail, and distribution...
Incorrect configuration allows you to access .env files or reading env variables. LaravelN00b automated scan .env files and checking debug...
Andriller - is software utility with a collection of forensic tools for smartphones. It performs read-only, forensically sound, non-destructive acquisition...
Security professionals responsible for vulnerability risk management are required to perform data querying and analysis on a regular basis to...
Evaluating and improving bug-finding tools is currently difficult due to a shortage of ground truth corpora (i.e., software that has...
HeapInspect is designed to make heap much more prettier.Now this tool is a plugin of nadbg. Try it!FeaturesFree of gdb...
CHAPS is a PowerShell script for checking system security settings where additional software and assessment tools, such as Microsoft Policy...
Karonte is a static analysis tool to detect multi-binary vulnerabilities in embedded firmware.Research paperWe present our approach and the findings...
IoTShark is a IOT monitoring service that allows users to monitor their IOT devices for trends in data sent/received. Ordinarily,...
The log file navigator, lnav, is an enhanced log file viewer that takes advantage of any semantic information that can...
Even in the most high-tech environments, remediation and risk reduction don’t just happen. In order for vulnerability risk management to...
TuxResponse is incident response script for linux systems written in bash. It can automate incident response activities on Linux systems...
Stowaway is Multi-hop proxy tool for security researchers and pentestersUsers can easily proxy their network traffic to intranet nodes (multi-layer)PS:...
This blog post is part four of our ongoing Automation with InsightAppSec series. Make sure to check out part one,...
Finding potential software vulnerabilities from git commit messages. The output format is a JSON with the associated commit which could...
The Web Application Firewall Fingerprinting Tool.— From Enable SecurityHow does it work?To do its magic, WAFW00F does the following:Sends a...
Rapid7 is excited to announce a new plugin for InisghtConnect that connects to Cisco AMP for Endpoints. Cisco Advanced Malware...
XposedOrNot (XoN) tool is to search an aggregated repository of xposed passwords comprising of ~850 million real time passwords. Usage...
IDAPython plugin that synchronizes decompiled and disassembled code views.Please refer to comments in the source code for more details.Requires 7.2Download...
An SAP enumeration and exploitation toolkit using SAP RFC callsThis is a toolkit for demonstrating the impact of compromised service...