Misconfigured Apache Airflow servers leak thousands of credentials
Experts discovered many misconfigured Apache Airflow servers exposed online that were leaking sensitive information from prominent tech firms. Apache Airflow is an...
Experts discovered many misconfigured Apache Airflow servers exposed online that were leaking sensitive information from prominent tech firms. Apache Airflow is an...
Burpcrypto is a collection of burpsuite encryption plug-ins, supporting AES/RSA/DES/ExecJs(execute JS encryption code in burpsuite).Build$ mvn packageUsage中文使用说明Download the precompiled jar...
Millions of Neiman Marcus customers have had their personal and financial information exposed in a data breach. In a press...
Users worldwide are experiencing problems while accessing Facebook services, including Instagram and WhatsApp. Users worldwide are not able to access...
One of the world’s ransomware groups appears to be a couple of members short today—and about two million dollars less...
Pottawatomie County restored operations that were suspended after a ransomware attack hit its systems on September 17, 2021. Officials at...
Two ransomware operators arrested in Kyiv, Ukraine, that are suspected to have attacked more than 100 companies causing more than...
ChamelGang APT is a new cyberespionage group that focuses on fuel and energy organizations and aviation industry in Russia ChamelGang...
bopscrk (Before Outset PaSsword CRacKing) is a tool to generate smart and powerful wordlists for targeted attacks.Included in BlackArch Linux...
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, formerly known as National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. The idea is to raise awareness about cybersecurity,...
Last week on Malwarebytes Labs Teaching cybersecurity skills to special needs children with Alana Robinson: Lock and Code S02E18Phone screenshots...
Israeli Aerospace & Defense firm E.M.I.T. Aviation Consulting Ltd. was hit by LockBit 2.0 ransomware, operators will leak files on...
AutomatedLab (AL) enables you to setup test and lab environments on Hyper-v or Azure with multiple products or just a...
Proofpoint researchers reported that TA544 threat actors are behind a new Ursnif campaign that is targeting Italian organizations. Proofpoint researchers...
Experts warn that CVE-2021-38647 OMIGOD flaws affect IBM QRadar Azure and can be exploited by remote attackers to execute arbitrary...
A new round of the weekly Security Affairs newsletter arrived! Every week the best security articles from Security Affairs free...
During the first half of 2021, LinkedIn was targeted by attackers who scraped data from hundreds of millions of public...
efiXplorer - IDA plugin for UEFI firmware analysis and reverse engineering automation Supported versions of Hex-Rays products: everytime we focus...
The Biden administration announced it will work with 30 countries, including NATO allies and G7 partners, to curb global cybercrime....
LeakDB is a tool set designed to allow organizations to build and deploy their own internal plaintext "Have I Been...
Threat actors stole funds from the accounts of more than 6,000 users of the crypto exchange Coinbase exploiting a flaw...
The Flubot Android malware is now leveraging fake security updates warning to trick users into installing the malicious code. Threat...
kekeo is a little toolbox I have started to manipulate Microsoft Kerberos in C (and for fun) ASN.1 libraryIn kekeo,...
Telecom Italia Red Team Research (RTR) laboratory led by Massimiliano Brolli reported three new flaws in Oracle GlassFish and Nokia...