Cobalt Stike Beacon Detected – 192[.]144[.]231[.]244:80
The Information provided at the time of posting was detected as "Cobalt Strike". Depending on when you are viewing this...
The Information provided at the time of posting was detected as "Cobalt Strike". Depending on when you are viewing this...
The Information provided at the time of posting was detected as "Cobalt Strike". Depending on when you are viewing this...
The Information provided at the time of posting was detected as "Cobalt Strike". Depending on when you are viewing this...
Score: 10 MALWARE FAMILY: discoveryTAGS:discovery, ransomwareMD5: 199cad31ad21ac6a8edb62035892669aSHA1: abc8509b631cdd4063f4bb22213ad9961043cfd6ANALYSIS DATE: 2022-11-04T09:59:30ZTTPS: T1082, T1057, T1012 ScoreMeaningExample10Known badA malware family was detected.8-9Likely maliciousOne...
Score: 10 MALWARE FAMILY: djvuTAGS:family:djvu, family:redline, family:smokeloader, botnet:mario23_10, backdoor, collection, discovery, infostealer, persistence, ransomware, spyware, stealer, trojanMD5: ef7834fb0c42f4ee862e531bf570227bSHA1: 761538aa9bed93f4bb3252c04d6856904d93811fANALYSIS DATE:...
Score: 10 MALWARE FAMILY: smokeloaderTAGS:family:smokeloader, backdoor, trojanMD5: 8c5802d28df242578c2b1bf06fb05816SHA1: 4f851c4b86f65c1198512865742eac529f7c7284ANALYSIS DATE: 2022-11-04T11:34:29ZTTPS: T1012, T1120, T1082 ScoreMeaningExample10Known badA malware family was detected.8-9Likely...
Score: 10 MALWARE FAMILY: djvuTAGS:family:djvu, discovery, persistence, ransomware, spyware, stealerMD5: 2edfe3bc031c5cc9cc5bdf18aa7c3a02SHA1: b557b50822a2d788b410ead1e005197a0a4130d7ANALYSIS DATE: 2022-11-04T10:56:05ZTTPS: T1005, T1081, T1222, T1082, T1012, T1060,...
Score: 10 MALWARE FAMILY: djvuTAGS:family:djvu, discovery, persistence, ransomwareMD5: ac975fb5af0a817d64a23d721b525548SHA1: 45c53870a65c9fb494ab5e522a9a52124f0c60b6ANALYSIS DATE: 2022-11-04T10:31:04ZTTPS: T1130, T1112, T1060, T1222, T1082, T1053 ScoreMeaningExample10Known badA...
Score: 10 MALWARE FAMILY: djvuTAGS:family:djvu, family:redline, family:smokeloader, botnet:slovarik1btc, backdoor, collection, discovery, infostealer, persistence, ransomware, spyware, stealer, trojanMD5: 46caeb9b470ef973d88cace1fae23f25SHA1: 3d8c919f658bdcb22e96bc55852db4dd565fce2aANALYSIS DATE:...
I’m proud to announce the release of the 10th edition of the ENISA Threat Landscape (ETL) on the state of...
Cisco addressed multiple flaws impacting its products, including high-severity issues in identity, email, and web security solutions. Cisco addressed multiple...
Score: 1 MALWARE FAMILY: TAGS:MD5: 045f8512e0b82b10dcd510492ae75a02SHA1: db7936f5f9e2f75634f5b39597bd68e1dc2d9618ANALYSIS DATE: 2022-11-04T03:18:03ZTTPS: ScoreMeaningExample10Known badA malware family was detected.8-9Likely maliciousOne or more known damaging...
Score: 10 MALWARE FAMILY: wannacryTAGS:family:wannacry, discovery, ransomware, wormMD5: 328ec0632c2a5318d3c189eceab6b488SHA1: bbd958285c9744c460f7da1ccda942c47d245cc6ANALYSIS DATE: 2022-11-04T03:00:34ZTTPS: T1046 ScoreMeaningExample10Known badA malware family was detected.8-9Likely maliciousOne...
Score: 10 MALWARE FAMILY: djvuTAGS:family:djvu, family:redline, family:smokeloader, botnet:mario23_10, botnet:slovarik1btc, backdoor, collection, discovery, infostealer, persistence, ransomware, spyware, stealer, trojanMD5: a8cf6c4ce9bae2e0433a9d6f5a9090b0SHA1: 2b33cde4309e82bb278132dfddbf90319b2c9139ANALYSIS...
Score: 10 MALWARE FAMILY: djvuTAGS:family:djvu, family:redline, family:smokeloader, botnet:mario23_10, backdoor, collection, discovery, infostealer, persistence, ransomware, spyware, stealer, trojanMD5: c8974837ee9e62f78817492ef2cc71ffSHA1: 7e580765dd04d1c42c33611d39bd2682f0e5aa29ANALYSIS DATE:...
Score: 10 MALWARE FAMILY: smokeloaderTAGS:family:smokeloader, backdoor, trojanMD5: 8611fcd3c059993ae37c038f0682507aSHA1: 82a2f78e8594faff95889690b93fb37ed96ad242ANALYSIS DATE: 2022-11-04T05:05:33ZTTPS: T1012, T1120, T1082 ScoreMeaningExample10Known badA malware family was detected.8-9Likely...
Score: 10 MALWARE FAMILY: djvuTAGS:family:djvu, discovery, persistence, ransomware, spyware, stealerMD5: dc64e4857ede57bf4a938088261cbce4SHA1: 4f35ebc663ef9df15ddd9e5676f63e43a0138665ANALYSIS DATE: 2022-11-04T05:31:17ZTTPS: T1053, T1005, T1081, T1012, T1060, T1112,...
Score: 10 MALWARE FAMILY: smokeloaderTAGS:family:smokeloader, backdoor, trojanMD5: 8aeee4f03c86f2d4377129edc204d26cSHA1: 931c011b463b6f122ff0009d1cbb022786ea70acANALYSIS DATE: 2022-11-04T05:31:03ZTTPS: T1012, T1120, T1082 ScoreMeaningExample10Known badA malware family was detected.8-9Likely...
Score: 10 MALWARE FAMILY: djvuTAGS:family:djvu, discovery, persistence, ransomware, spyware, stealerMD5: 52f22a333f60f4af27239ae51eb9d3d7SHA1: 3bc9e4286878a61737763f260e5eefec96f1f20bANALYSIS DATE: 2022-11-04T05:51:22ZTTPS: T1012, T1082, T1053, T1005, T1081, T1060,...
The Information provided at the time of posting was detected as "Cobalt Strike". Depending on when you are viewing this...
The Information provided at the time of posting was detected as "Cobalt Strike". Depending on when you are viewing this...
The Information provided at the time of posting was detected as "Cobalt Strike". Depending on when you are viewing this...
The Information provided at the time of posting was detected as "Cobalt Strike". Depending on when you are viewing this...
The Information provided at the time of posting was detected as "Cobalt Strike". Depending on when you are viewing this...