Hackers On The Hill – Slides and recap on cybersecurity policy
In advance of ShmooCon, Rapid7 co-organized the Hackers On The Hill event with the omnipresent Beau Woods of I Am...
In advance of ShmooCon, Rapid7 co-organized the Hackers On The Hill event with the omnipresent Beau Woods of I Am...
(By Augusto Remillano II, Mohammed Malubay, and Arvin Roi Macaraeg, Threat Analysts) LokiBot, which has the ability to harvest sensitive...
The Apple ecosystem has long been considered the safer environment compared to Windows when it comes to being targeted by...
Researchers have observed a new malware campaign that’s been targeting the U.S., Argentina, Brazil and Costa Rica with an updated...
Research and reporting on this article were conducted by Labs writers Chris Boyd and David Ruiz. Dating apps have been mainstream...
With the rise of phishing attacks, business email compromise (BEC) campaigns and gift scams bring along with it the rise...
Most (81 percent) of corporate and government structures networks were infected with malicious software. This is the conclusion was made...
News overview In the past quarter, DDoS organizers continued to harness non-standard protocols for amplification attacks. In the wake of...
Straight-forward HTTP client testing, assertions included! Simple httptest.Server wrapper with a little request recorder spice on it. No special DSL,...
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Penetration testing has become increasingly important to organizations of all sizes, as cyber-crimes increase and attackers run rampant. Identifying vulnerabilities...
by: John Simpson (Vulnerability Researcher) The first Microsoft patch Tuesday of 2020 contained fixes for CVE-2020-0601, a vulnerability discovered by...
We first stumbled upon the nasty Android Trojan xHelper, a stealthy malware dropper, in May 2019. By mid-summer 2019, xHelper was...
According to Radware researchers, a vulnerability (CVE-2020-2100) in 12,000+ Jenkins servers can be exploited to launch and amplify DDoS attacks...
Supported hashing algorithms: SHA512, SHA256, SHA384, SHA1, MD5 Features: auto detection of hashing algorithm based on length (not recommended), bruteforce,...
Kawaii Deauther is a pentest toolkit whose goal is to perform jam on WiFi clients/routers and spam many fake AP...
This blog post is part three of our four-part series on security in the cloud. In part one, we discussed...
The first Patch Tuesday of 2020 in January brought an unusually long list of patches, but February brings an even...
Looking to capitalize on the current coronavirus scare, malware distributors have launched a new phishing campaign that targets global companies...
Andrey Alshevskikh, the State Duma Deputy, said that the threat to the personal data of Russian users of the social...
A bug in the TastSelv Borger tax service which falls under the management of the US company DXC Technology has...
Scammers have a new target and this time its CoinDesk as they try to impersonate CoinDesk reporters and editors in...
The extremely well-known Cisco’s products, including IP Phones, Routers, cameras, and switches, were determined to have several severe “zero-day” vulnerabilities...
Distributed simple and robust release management and monitoring system.**This project on going work.Road mapCore systemFirst worker agentManagement dashboardJenkins vs CI...