Poro – Scan Publicly Accessible Assets On Your AWS Cloud Environment
Scan for publicly accessible assets on your AWS environment Services covered by this tool: AWS ELB API Gateway S3 Buckets...
Scan for publicly accessible assets on your AWS environment Services covered by this tool: AWS ELB API Gateway S3 Buckets...
Dangerously fast dns/network/port scanner, all-in-one.Start with a domain, and we'll find everything about it. Features: Finds subdomains from root domain...
uncover is a go wrapper using APIs of well known search engines to quickly discover exposed hosts on the internet....
Cloak is a pluggable transport that enhances traditional proxy tools like OpenVPN to evade sophisticated censorship and data discrimination. Cloak...
Notion (yes, the notetaking app) as a C2. Wait, What? Yes. But Why? What started as a meme grew into...
Simply gather OSINT on Github users and organizations like a god FEATURES Fetches organization info Fetches user info Fetches repository...
This repo contains shell scripts that can be used to download and analyze differences between cloned and mirror Git repositories....
Threat Modeling with HCL Overview There are many different ways in which a threat model can be documented. From a...
KNX is a popular building automation protocol and is used to interconnect sensors, actuators and other components of a smart...
Scheduled task is one of the most popular attack technique in the past decade and now it is still commonly...
The goal is simple To share my modest knowledge about hacking Windows systems. This is commonly refered to as red...
ICMP-TransferTools is a set of Upload via ICMP The included ICMP-ReceiveFile.py and Invoke-IcmpUpload.ps1 scripts can be used to upload/exfiltrate a...
Live Forensicator is part of the Black Widow Toolbox, its aim is to assist Forensic Investigators and Incidence responders in...
Phantun is a project that obfuscated UDP packets into TCP connections. It aims to achieve maximum performance with minimum processing...
Cobalt Strike External C2 Integration With Azure Servicebus, C2 traffic via Azure Servicebus Setup Create an Azure Service Bus Create...
Odin is a central IoC Collecting Parsing Download Odin If you like the site, please consider joining the telegram channel...
subdomains.sh wrapper around tools I use for subdomain enumeration, to automate the workflow, on a given domain. Usage To display...
This tool demonstrates the power of UAC bypasses and built-in features of Windows. This utility auto-locates winlogon.exe, steals and impersonates...
Slyther is AWS Security tool to check read/write/delete access for S3 buckets Requirements aws-cli Installation pip3 install -r requirements.txt Usage...
spring-cloud/spring-cloud-function get path lists for test find . -name "*.java"|xargs -I % cat %|grep -Eo '"({8,})"'|sort -u|sed 's/"//g' ...functionRouteruppercaselowercase... poc1...
To run the Credits https://github.com/hktalent/spring-spel-0day-poc Download CVE-2022-22963 If you like the site, please consider joining the telegram channel or supporting...
PoC for vulnerability in Honda's Remote Keyless System(CVE-2022-27254) Disclaimer: For educational purposes only. Kindly note that the discoverers for this...
Casper-fs is a custom Linux Kernel Module generator to work with resources to protect or hide a custom list of...
A low-dependency command-line tool for generating reverse shell payloads on the fly. Description LAZYPARIAH is a simple and easily installable...