WMEye – A Post Exploitation Tool That Uses WMI Event Filter And MSBuild Execution For Lateral Movement
WMEye is an experimental tool that was developed when exploring about Windows WMI. The tool is developed for performing Lateral...
WMEye is an experimental tool that was developed when exploring about Windows WMI. The tool is developed for performing Lateral...
Patching A complete listing of the contextual patching actions are described in the following sections. Assemble The main patching dialog...
Lnkbomb is used for uploading malicious shortcut files to insecure file shares. The Executable Usage Download Lnkbomb from the releases...
Tencent Cloud Experience Apply Link Key Features Language support: It supports Java/C++/Objective-C/C#/JavaScript/Python/Go/PHP and more, covering common programming languages. Code inspection:...
Attackers think in graphs, defenders think in actions, Documentation All documentation can be found in the wiki Acknowledgments The py2neo...
Passive mode: Active mode + port scan: OSINT Search Engines Dome uses these web pages to obtain subdomains Without API:...
Daily alert when a new domain name is registered and contains your keywords. Send automatic Prerequisite apt install mailutilspip3 install...
CodeCat is an open-source tool to help you find/track user input sinks and security bugs using static code analysis. These...
Steal Victim Images Exact Location Device Info And Much More Features of Nivi-Stealer: Steal Ip Steal Device Info Uses Device...
WSVuls Website Download Wsvuls If you like the site, please consider joining the telegram channel or supporting us on Patreon...
ASSAMEE is a free Advance encryptor for Anonfiles. It uses an advanced encryption method to encrypt the directory with AES-256....
It is a Code Scanning/SAST/Static Analysis/Linting solution using many tools/Scanners with One Report. You can also add any tool to...
A simple tool to audit Unix/*BSD/Linux system libraries to find public security vulnerabilities. To install requirements: $ sudo python3 -m...
Search WiFi Json output example { "data":{ "bssid":"A0:XX:XX:XX:6F:90", "vendor":"TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.", "mac_type":"MA-L", "wigle":{ "lat":00.000908922099, "lon":00.000945220028 }, "apple":{ "lat":"not_found", "lon":"not_found"...
ScreenShots Install chmod +x Usage ARP Discovery -ar CIDR -s: Scan ports in all hosts discovered -ap: Scan to...
GraphQL Cop is a small Python utility to run common security tests against GraphQL APIs. Requirements Python3 Requests Library Detections...
Fast Install Add Your Custom Files Open files.txt Paste your file or directory name in line by line Happy Hunting...
Proof Of Concept (PoC) CVE-2021-4034 @c0br40x help to make this section in README!! debian@debian:~/PwnKit-Exploit$ makecc -Wall exploit.c -o exploitdebian@debian:~/PwnKit-Exploit$ whoamidebiandebian@debian:~/PwnKit-Exploit$...
A Workflow Engine For Offensive Security Installation NOTE that you need some essential tools like curl, wget, git, zip and...
PyShell is Multiplatform Python WebShell. This tool helps you to obtain a shell-like interface on a web server to be...
Key Features Generate scan template $ authz0 new Include URLs Include Roles Include ZAP history (Select URLS > Save...
IOC Scraper utilises IOCPARSER service to fetch IOCs from different vendor Blogs, PDFs, and CSV files. Parsing IOCs is time-consuming...
Open source self-hosted HaccTheHub is an open source project that provides cyber security The HaccTheHub system consists of 3 main...
This tool is useful to find a particular string in a list of URLs using tesseract's OCR (Optical Character Recognition)...