
Kubernetes-Goat – Is A “Vulnerable By Design” Kubernetes Cluster. Designed To Be An Intentionally Vulnerable Cluster Environment To Learn And Practice Kubernetes Security

 The Kubernetes Goat is designed to be an intentionally  Upcoming Training's and SessionsDEFCON DEMO Labs Village - DEFCON Kubernetes Goat...

Canadian Furious Beaver – A Tool For Monitoring IRP Handler In Windows Drivers, And Facilitating The Process Of Analyzing, Replaying And Fuzzing Windows Drivers For Vulnerabilities

Furious Beaver is a IRP detailsIRP replayConceptIrpDumper.sys is the driver part of the CFB Broker that will auto-extract and install...

Abaddon – Make red team operations faster, more repeatable, stealthier, while including value-added tools and bringing numerous reporting capabilities

Red team operations involve miscellaneous skills, last several months and are politically sensitive; they require a lot of monitoring, consolidating...

Covert-Control – Google Drive, OneDrive And Youtube As Covert-Channels – Control Systems Remotely By Uploading Files To Google Drive, OneDrive, Youtube Or Telegram

Control systems remotely by uploading files to Google Drive, OneDrive, After finding there is Installationsudo apt install libzbar0pip install bs4...