Teler – Real-time HTTP Intrusion Detection

is an real-time intrusion detection and threat alert based on web log that runs in a terminal with resources that we collect and provide by the community.
Real-time: Analyze logs and identify suspicious activity in real-time.
Alerting: teler provides alerting when a threat is detected, push notifications include Slack, Telegram and Discord.
Monitoring: We’ve our own metrics if you want to monitor threats easily, and we use Prometheus for that.
Latest resources: Collections is continuously up-to-date.
Minimal configuration: You can just run it against your log file, write the log format and let teler analyze the log and show you alerts!
Flexible log formats: teler allows any custom log format string! It all depends on how you write the log format in configuration file.
Incremental log processing: Need data persistence rather than buffer stream? teler has the ability to process logs incrementally through the on-disk persistence options.
Why teler?
teler was designed to be a fast, terminal-based threat analyzer. Its core idea is to quickly analyze and hunt threats in real time!
from Binary
The installation is easy. You can download a prebuilt binary from releases page, unpack and run! or run with:
▶ curl -sSfL '' | sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin
using Docker
Pull the Docker image by running:
▶ docker pull kitabisa/teler
from Source
If you have go1.14+ compiler installed and configured:
▶ GO111MODULE=on go get -v -u
In order to update the tool, you can use -u
flag with go get
from GitHub
▶ git clone
▶ cd teler
▶ make build
▶ mv ./bin/teler /usr/local/bin
Simply, teler can be run with:
▶ [buffers] | teler -c /path/to/config/teler.yaml
# or
▶ teler -i /path/to/access.log -c /path/to/config/teler.yaml
If you’ve built teler with a Docker image:
▶ [buffers] | docker run -i --rm -e TELER_CONFIG=/path/to/config/teler.yaml teler
# or
▶ docker run -i --rm -e TELER_CONFIG=/path/to/config/teler.yaml teler --input /path/to/access.log
▶ teler -h
This will display help for the tool.

Here are all the switches it supports.
Flag | Description | Examples |
-c, –config |
teler configuration file | kubectl logs nginx | teler -c /path/to/config/teler.yaml |
-i, –input |
Analyze logs from data persistence rather than buffer stream | teler -i /var/log/nginx/access.log |
-x, –concurrent |
Set the concurrency level to analyze logs (default: 20) |
tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log | teler -x 50 |
-o, –output |
Save detected threats to file | teler -i /var/log/nginx/access.log -o /tmp/threats.log |
–json | Display threats in the terminal as JSON format | teler -i /var/log/nginx/access.log –json |
–rm-cache | Remove all cached resources | teler –rm-cache |
-v, –version |
Show current teler version | teler -v |
The -c
flag is to specify teler configuration file.
▶ tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log | teler -c /path/to/config/teler.yaml
This is required, but if you have defined TELER_CONFIG
environment you don’t need to use this flag, e.g.:
▶ export TELER_CONFIG="/path/to/config/teler.yaml"
▶ tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log | teler
# or
▶ tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log | TELER_CONFIG="/path/to/config/teler.yaml" teler
Need log analysis incrementally? This -i
flag is useful for that.
▶ teler -i /var/log/nginx/access.log
Concurrency is the number of logs analyzed at the same time. Default value teler provide is 20, you can change it by using -x
▶ teler -i /var/log/nginx/access.log -x 50
You can also save the detected threats into a file with -o
▶ teler -i /var/log/nginx/access.log -o threats.log
JSON Format
If you want to display the detected threats as JSON format, switch it with --json
▶ teler -i /var/log/nginx/access.log --json
Please note this will also apply if you save it to a file with -o
Remove Caches
It will removes all stored resources in the user-level cache directory, see cache.
▶ teler --rm-cache
requires a minimum of configuration to process and/or log analysis, and execute threats and/or alerts. See teler.example.yaml for an example.
Log Formats
Because we use gonx
package to parse the log, you can write any log format. As an example:
log_format: |
$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request_method $request_uri $request_protocol" $status $body_bytes_sent
log_format: |
$remote_addr $remote_user - [$time_local] "$request_method $request_uri $request_protocol"
$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"
Nginx Ingress
log_format: |
$remote_addr - [$remote_addr] $remote_user - [$time_local]
"$request_method $request_uri $request_protocol" $status $body_bytes_sent
"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" $request_length $request_time
[$proxy_upstream_name] $upstream_addr $upstream_response_length $upstream_response_time $upstream_status $req_id
Amazon S3
log_format: |
$bucket_owner $bucket [$time_local] $remote_addr $requester $req_id $operationration $key
"$request_method $request_uri $request_protocol" $status $error_code $body_bytes_sent -
$total_time - "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" $version_id $host_id
$signature_version $cipher_suite $http_auth_type $http_host_header $tls_version
Elastic LB
log_format: |
$time_local $elb_name $remote_addr $upstream_addr $request_processing_time
$upstream_processing_time $response_processing_time $status $upstream_status $body_received_bytes $body_bytes_sent
"$request_method $request_uri $request_protocol" "$http_user_agent" $cipher_suite $tls_version
log_format: |
$date $time $edge_location $body_bytes_sent $remote_addr
$request_method $http_host_header $requst_uri $status
$http_referer $http_user_agent $request_query $http_cookie $edge_type $req_id
$http_host_header $ssl_protocol $body_bytes_sent $response_processing_time $http_host_forwarded
$tls_version $cipher_suite $edge_result_type $request_protocol $fle_status $fle_encrypted_fields
$http_port $time_first_byte $edge_detail_result_type
$http_content_type $request_length $request_length_start $request_length_end
Threat rules
By default, teler
will fetch external resources every time you run it, but you can switch external resources to be cached or not.
cache: true
If you choose to cache resources, it’s stored under user-level cache directory of cross-platform and will be updated every day, see resources.
We include resources for predetermined threats, including:
- Common Web Attack
- Bad IP Address
- Bad Referrer
- Bad Crawler
- Directory Bruteforce
You can disable any type of threat in the excludes
configuration (case-sensitive).
- "Bad IP Address"
The above format detects threats that are not included as bad IP address, and will not analyze logs/ send alerts for that type.
You can also add whitelists to teler configuration.
- "(curl|Go-http-client|okhttp)/*"
- "^/wp-login\.php"
It covers the entire HTTP request and processed as regExp, please write it with caution!
We provide alert notification options:
- Slack,
- Telegram
- Discord
Configure the notification alerts needed on:
token: "xoxb-..."
color: "#ffd21a"
channel: "G30SPKI"
token: "123456:ABC-DEF1234...-..."
chat_id: "-111000"
token: "NkWkawkawkawkawka.X0xo.n-kmZwA8aWAA"
color: "16312092"
channel: "700000000000000..."
You can also choose to disable alerts or want to be sent where the alerts are.
active: true
provider: "slack"
also supports metrics using Prometheus.
You can configure the host, port and endpoint to use Prometheus metrics in the configuration file.
active: true
host: "localhost"
port: 9099
endpoint: "/metrics"
Here are all the metrics we collected & categorized.
Metric | Description |
teler_threats_count_total |
Total number of detected threats |
teler_cwa |
Get lists of Common Web Attacks |
teler_badcrawler |
Get lists of Bad Crawler requests |
teler_dir_bruteforce |
Get lists of Directories Bruteforced |
teler_bad_referrer |
Get lists of Bad Referrer requests |
teler_badip_count |
Total number of Bad IP Addresses |
All external resources used in this teler are NOT provided by us. See all peoples who involved in this resources at teler Resource Collections.
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