The Russian Federation submitted to the United Nations the world’s first draft convention against cybercrime

The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation reported that Russia has submitted to the UN the world’s first draft convention on countering cybercrime and the criminal use of cryptocurrency.
Recall that last year an interdepartmental working group on combating information crime was established, one of the main tasks of which was to develop a draft of a universal comprehensive international convention on combating the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes.
The project has a number of advantages. It takes into account modern challenges and threats in the field of international information security, including the criminal use of cryptocurrency, introduces new elements of crimes committed using information and communication technologies.
It is stressed that Russia was the first country that developed and submitted to the special committee a draft convention to combating information crimes.
“Today cyber attacks are as much a weapon of mass destruction as a tactical nuclear weapon. Infrastructure, from the fuel supply to the water supply, can be stopped in an entire city. The settlement will be paralyzed with zero casualties. Thus, I would call cyberattacks bloodless killers, they do not set themselves the goal of destroying the population but simply teleport this population, in fact, to the Stone Age,” commented on the news the State Duma deputy Ruslan Balbek.
According to him, the Russian draft convention is timely and relevant.
In March, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin announced an increase in the number of crimes in the IT-sphere. He pointed out that over the past six years, the number of such crimes has increased 10 times.
Earlier, E Hacking News was reported that Russia-US summit was held in Geneva on June 16. Summing up the negotiations, Vladimir Putin said that the sides will start consultations on cybersecurity.
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