Trukno: “On A Mission To Deliver Cyber Intelligence, Not Cyber News”

Trukno: Virtual Threat Intelligence Analyst to launch their Broad Beta Version on 22nd. Every second a new attack in cybersecurity occurs, according to a report by Acronis 32% of companies are attacked at least once a day and to keep up with these threats and attacks is a mind picking process. There are two ways of keeping up with Cyber Security- a) being updated with cyber blogs or b) hiring your own cyber threat analyst. But Trukno is a platform that provides a virtual threat intelligence analyst for people who want to keep up with cybersecurity, be up to date on recent attacks as well as to know the threat actors and attack landscape trend with their syndicated search engine and threat curator.
Set to launch their Broad Beta version on 22nd December, for individuals who are full-time cybersecurity analysts as well as for the majority of people who want to know the how and happenings in cybersecurity in a much faster, easier, and detailed way.
Ehacking news had a discussion with Trukno CEO and Founder Manish Kapoor, Co-Founder Noah Binstock, and Team about their platform, how it works, features and advantages. Here are the details from the interview, read below to know about Trukno and how you can set up a beta account for yourself:
The Story Behind Trukno Mr. Manish (CEO and Founder): We formed Trukno in Oct 2018 in Denver Colorado. Before that I was in Cisco, which is a big networking company also very focused on Cybersecurity, I was there for 10 years and what I did day to day was to help the world’s largest service providers like AT&T, Telstra help them understand the latest going on in cybersecurity and based upon that help them build cybersecurity services they could sell to their enterprise customers using Cisco system products – that was the essence of what my team and I did and when you do that you’re going in front of the world’s largest cybersecurity companies so they know what they’re talking about in cybersecurity and hence I had the constant pressure to keep up with cybersecurity latest threats and how those could be turned into new services and I tell you it’s easier said than done. In preparation, I would blog hop from one blog to another and very quickly I started to realize, there is a difference between keeping up with cyber news vs. keeping up with cyber threats.
The whole process would take me hours leaving me more confused and that’s when I realized something is missing either I don’t have the right tools or there must be a better way since then we have probably talked to 504 folks in cybersecurity from Cisco to stock analyst to researchers and we realized that this problem was not just isolated for me that problem exists for the cyber community in general. So what tools that exist today in cybersecurity are targeted for deep-dive practitioners who want to see the bits and bytes and it’s a full-time job just to keep up with it and only the largest corporations in the world can hire dedicated threat intelligence analysts and everybody else who wants to keep up with cyber threats really struggles. So that is the problem we are trying to solve is the mission we are on is to deliver not cyber news but to deliver cyber threat intelligence in the most efficient comprehensive and affordable way to the masses so that is the story behind Trukno.
Mr. Noah (Co-founder): We found that when it comes to threat researchers and external strategic analysts there is often one position that is providing these reports for an organization and what we realized is that those reports and those patterns and findings these people are curating; they have benefits of all cybersecurity and not just the organization they are working for, so we are actually trying to find ways to scale that information. The objective information about external threats landscapes and the inner workings and patterns that are occurring in front of our eyes so we can give that to organizations and individuals without access to a dedicated intelligence analyst.
Trukno Breakdown and Features:
Newsfeed: A news feed that you can create based on your interests; it’s basically a news feed from a hundred and fifty sources for people who want to keep up with cybersecurity news at one place and users can create their own feed and have all their news sources at one place
Dashboard: You can choose your interests of information using filters from industry, Technology, Malware, and actors. The sweet thing about this threat analyst is you can go from shallow to deep in a way that’s organized and detailed. It informs you about threat actors, breach specifics; how many times the threat was used thus the user gets very detailed information in a very short time.
My Boards (and Team Collaboration): You can assign Custom Tags to threats, breaches, and discussions; and comment and converse with your team.
Trukno Vision:Mr. Manish: Our Vision is to get critical vital threat information to the broad cyber community; you don’t have to have PhD. to keep up with cyber threats. That is what we believe. That is the reason we are going to the extent of not only breaking down TTPs (Tactics, techniques, and procedures) but breaking down text associated with that TTPs in each specific breach because we want to make it a ten-second visual that gives you the summary verses a thirty-minute read.
How it works: Mr. Manish: What we are doing is with all this curation is we are building an automated engine which is AI-driven but with human intervention to maintain quality analysis and to do that we break down every single article until the AI takes over. That is to say, It’s a combination of Artificial and Human Intelligence as 90% of the breaches use the same TTPs and on a day to day basis there are new threats are coming that have never been seen before and AI is not going to be able to that on its own; it will always be human aided AI. So our AI will become more and more efficient with more training data but it will always be human intelligence aided.
Next Step: Mr. Manish: Add more sources for people who want more content, people who want details we will give them IUCs, people who want news feed but more flexibility customization we’ll add custom URL capabilities and people who want more collaboration, we’ll be adding integration slack and some basic team capabilities on our side.
How is this threat intelligence different from MITRE?Mr. Manish: Think of MITRE as a US government organization, and it has created all the rules and regulations but you won’t go to MITRE to know what happened an hour ago, what breach happened, and how that happened in the MITRE framework. So, we are creating a dashboard that uses the MITRE framework to pull all that information together.
EndNote: Mr. Manish: We are truly on a mission to solve this very critical problem in society, cybersecurity has become one of the biggest problem facing humanity and we think that cybersecurity is not about IT, bigger boxes, and fancy software; it’s about threat risk management – the importance of knowing the right threats at the right time is so critical and right now it is so hard to do that we truly believe we can move the needle on this thing with the platform to make it simple, affordable and comprehensive – that’s our mission and that’s what we stand for.
The Trukno broad beta will be open for everyone, to avail go to their website ( In their Beta version, all features are free for everyone, with the full version coming in the first quarter of next year will have a freemium model that is free News Feed and My Board and subscription-based Dashboard.
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