Using MSPs to administer your cloud services

Any conversation about securing cloud services will swiftly turn towards the cloud shared responsibility model, which boils down to ‘both you and your cloud provider have to take security seriously’. Attackers will seize any opportunity they can, so if you or your service provider has any weak spots, they could access your data and services.
Building, operating, and securing technology is hard. It takes a lot of time, effort, and skills. And like many of the challenges in modern enterprises, it’s subject to ever-tightening budgets. It’s for these reasons that we advocate giving as much security responsibility to your cloud provider as possible, as they operate at a scale that makes it more practical for them to carry out key security activities.
However, the shared responsibility model still requires you to:
- choose a cloud provider that can meet your needs
- configure (and use) the service well
That includes making effective use of the cloud service’s security features, and continuing to operate and secure the things you’ve put in the cloud.
Original Source: ncsc[.]gov[.]uk
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