Wynis – Audit Windows Security With Best Practice

Just a powershell scripts for auditing security with CIS BEST Practices Windows 10 and Window Server 2016 You just need to run the script, it will create a directory named : AUDIT_CONF_%DATE%

Wynis 1 W1 ScriptOverView

The directory output will contain the files belows:

Wynis 2 W2 FilesList

-Antivirus-%COMPUTERNAME% : List installed Antivirus software

Wynis 3 W3 Antivirus


-APPDATA%COMPUTERNAME% : List all executable file in APPDATA directory

Wynis 4 W3 Appdataa

-Audit%DATE%: list the result of all CIS tests

Wynis 5 W4

-auditpolicy-%COMPUTERNAME% : audit policy configured

Wynis 6 W5 AuditConfiguration

-firewall-rules-%COMPUTERNAME% : List all local windows firewall rules

Wynis 7 W6 FirewallRules

-gpo-%COMPUTERNAME% : Gpresult for applied GPO

-Installed-Software-%COMPUTERNAME% : List installed software

Wynis 8 W6 InstalledSoftware

-Listen-port-%COMPUTERNAME% : netstat with associate executable

-localuser-%COMPUTERNAME% : list all local users

-OptionnalFeature-%COMPUTERNAME% :List all enabled optional feature

Wynis 9 W7 InstalledOptionnalFeature

-Scheduled-task-%COMPUTERNAME% : list all scheduled task

Wynis 10 W8 SchedulTaks

-Service-%COMPUTERNAME% : list all service

Wynis 11 W9 ListService

-Share-%COMPUTERNAME% : list all share

Wynis 12 W10 ListService


-StartUp-%COMPUTERNAME% : check registry to identify start-up executable

-System-%COMPUTERNAME% : systeminfo

-SystemUpdate : Check Wmi Quickfix to identify installed update

Work In Progress

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