X-force – IBM Security Utilitary Library In Python. Search And Query All Sources: Threat_Activities And Groups, Malware_Analysis, Industries
IBM Security X-FORCE Exchange library in Python 3. Search: threat_activities, threat_groups, malware_analysis, collector and industries.
pip3 install XForce
Using you API_KEY make a basic authentication. After make a base64 code → Key + : + Password:
printf "d2f5f0f9-2995-42c6-b1dd-4c92252da129:06c41d5e-0604-4c7c-a599-300c367d2090" | base64
Using API_KEY, call functions.
Call functions
import XForce
# Args: 1 - Term of search, 2 - API KEY
# Threat activity search return in string
XForce.threat_activities(Term, API_KEY)
# Malware analysis search return in string
XForce.malware_analysis(Term, API_KEY)
# Threat groups search return in string
XForce.threat_groups(Term, API_KEY)
# Industries search return in string
XForce.industries(Term, API_KEY)
# All categories search return in list with dict
XForce.industries(Term, API_KEY)
For see more details of consult, run:
from XForce import details
# Args: 1 - GUID, 2 - API KEY
# IMPORTANT: all GUID are correspondent to category
# All function of details have:
# url → with x-force exchange panel
details.activity(Id, API_KEY)
details.group(Id, API_KEY)
details.malware(Id, API_KEY)
details.industry(Id, API_KEY)
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